Thursday 29 December 2011

2011: Part 6 - Finishing Off

Part 6 - It was soon to say goodbye to Perth, but not before finishing a few things off.

So the one last thing that was in the way was exams and this time it looked like I may have timed my exams perfectly in terms of my study.  I had a good timetable overall with my weakest subject leaving a lot of time to study for but overall I juggled my final Hairlucination commitment and to an extent some preparation for the move to Adelaide ok on top of my two jobs.

Rewind to last year, I tried to juggle my first stall at Supanova or any con by donig all the prep while my exams were on, it was a nightmare, the next semester I had nothing on and found myself refusing to study on various days because I memorised too much off by heart and if anything it would have a backwards effect by making me concentrate on certain areas too much and forget other areas, this time I timed it right and my grades were pretty decent in the end, even if a distinction average wasn't mindblowing for me I was quite happy overall, especially getting a high distinction in Entrepreneurship.

A flimsy farewell
For a guy who can get pull a few hundred people to pay to go to his parties, you'd think he'd be insanely popular and have a pretty epic farewell, it's actually quite the opposite, I actually struggle to get people to hang out with me and it's happened with all the parties I've ever been involved in.  my final farewell picnic saw something like 4 people, which was quite disappointing over all but things like this happen and there was a fun day had, especially since it ended with an arcade.

Finally farewell
The reality is at the time, besides Susannah there was virtually little reason for me to enjoy Adelaide more than Perth and I was leaving a lot behind, it was going to be really sad to leave a lot of things such as my old place, extremely awesome arcades, amazing friends, really fun raves, alternative events, Wai-Con and honestly there were a lot of good memories I was going to miss.

While I did miss Susannah and really wanted to see her and be with her soon, I have to admit this was one of the parts of the year which actually broke me.  Susannah's plan for Tokyo Hardcore definitely got straight to the point but didn't waste anytime, in the end, I was literally packing my bags as soon as I arrived back home from my exam, I was in on a plane to Adelaide and I would have to repack again for Japan and spend my first day in Adelaide getting ready to go to Japan.

Excited?  My god, I was so insanely sick when I got off that plane from exhaustion...........

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