Tuesday 27 December 2011

2011: Part 5 - New Founded Success

Part 5 - With the struggles of April out of the way, it was finally time to taste success once again.

University - Scoring with Susannah for a High Distinction
It was strange but things finally started working out, I managed to understand almost all of my subjects and found a horrible but harsh way of studying that worked for me (repetition overload) and managed to get good marks.  My grades were boosted for all my subjects that a high distinction was possibly in all my subjects except for my weak subject which I have to admit I was pleasantly surprised I was sitting on such a good mark as well.

My favourite class was entrepreneurship, our assignments involved interviewing an entrepreneur and I had a sneaky trick of interviewing my girlfriend however it turned out that my both me and my teacher believed that she was quite a highly qualified entrepreneur and worth interviewing, despite the high levels of success the other entrepreneurs have ended up achieving in comparison, we did a presentation together for our last assignment about what she has done and both my teacher and class were quite impressed and quite in awe at her achievements, it was kind of a cheat in the sense that Susannah ended up doing a lot of the talking but those who know Susannah wouldn't be surprised at that!

I was about to go into the final exams with quite a fair bit of confidence to get some pretty good grades and get those High Distinctions I wanted.

Neko Nation Expansion
Neko Nation was no longer a small side project, it had become a bit of a big thing as we were about to learn with the next two shows.  Susannah had some pretty big plans for the her show in Adelaide which saw two rooms, a huge new venue, a massive line outside the front for our first show, lots of DJ's and catgirls, this was going to be huge.  The end result was insane, it absolutely owned the first show in terms of numbers and the fun I had in terms of dancing on the night, there was a lot more, this was a spectacular night which went just so mindblowing well, the Adelaide crowd was really something else, I'm not hating on Perth but seriously the Adelaide event is where it is actually at.

We then took the show back to Perth hoping to somewhat match Adelaide and well while the show wasn't on the same level, we hit venue capacity we had more DJ's, more variety, more catgirls and while it fell short of what Adelaide achieved, Perth had grown a lot since the first show and I really felt that Neko Nation was really going somewhere.

The final engaging victory
So after Neko Nation Purrth, we ditched the after party due to the intense aggression outside the after-party, we chilled out and relaxed in Kings Park where we were chilling out happy with our success and feeling happy about our future together, it was here that I finally popped the question (although Susannah actually was joking about it minutes before I asked seriously) and we got engaged on the morning after Neko Nation Perth, we woke up the next day seeing if either of us came to our senses and we were both happy that we were intending to spend the rest of life together.  (That's the plan for now anyways, XP)

So Susannah has this huge thing for dressing me up as a fem-boy, so I went down this route and it's kind of bizarre the reactions in Adelaide, if anything I got a lot more famous for a lot of my trap-tastic adventures which saw a lot of fans in Adelaide, it was kind of bizarre to go for years without a massive amount of demand for me but it turns out that I ended up getting a lot of fans who were quite interested in me and a fair few crushing on me.  In the end I felt like I've ended up with the best partner by far of course.

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