Tuesday 27 December 2011

2011: Part 1 - Things are going to change

First post of a wrap up of my crazy 2011 year, this could end up with quite a lot of parts, rather then trying to do one huge massive blog post, it's about time I actually updated this thing!

I entered the start of 2011 with some interesting expectations, I knew I was going to get further with either university, work, business or just some sort of new things to happen in life as I probably got a bit more laid back and was open towards experimenting more and just getting out there and trying new things.

Neko Nation - The Birth
I like how some small experiment dreamt up late last year ended up taking over most of my life, anyways as for what Neko Nation was back then.  Simply an experiment, an attempt to get into event promotion, after having spent years working numerous jobs in the nightclub/entertainment industry for years, I thought it would be worth a shot to make the dive into actually putting an event on.  Despite my experience and most of my interest was with industrial events and raves at the time, I decided it would be easier to work my way with something a bit different and new rather than to take on the big players in those fields who were doing quite a good enough job at the time.

I had another idea and that was my interest in Japanese and anime culture, so I decided to look for a similar event happening in Australia and bring it to Perth, I have to admit I was quite surprised to find out such an event hadn't existed in Australia, no matter how hard I researched, I decided that in the university holidays, as a new side project, I was going to do something about it.

I came up with the final concept through a hybrid of inspirations, the con after parties that happen in America, the Tokyo Electro Invasion Show which was my first trip to Adelaide and the first time I met Susannah, my work as PA for Outbreed which did lots of really strange and unique events in Perth, plus a local J-Pop night called Japanite in Perth, a night dedicated towards the Japanese crowd.  I meshed a few elements from all these things and more.

Susannah came down for the first show, who heavily believed in my concept and wanted to help out, little did I know what would happen in regards to her arrival at the airport.

To be continued.....

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