Tuesday 22 November 2011

November Behind the scenes - Tuesday

Short post this time.

Usually, I have quite interesting and varied days revolving around all sorts of tasks.  Today, basically struggled with CSS coding and various E-Commerce testing and failing hard.  In the end I've given up on the hard way and basically going to get something practical done hopefully by the end of the week even if it's nowhere near what I originally planned and wanted.

Work was interesting tonight since I got to do my E-Train at ANZ so I got to learn about criminal and terrorist banking, plus also sanctions in regards to countries where it's illegal to do business and banking with.  When you've been doing repetitive work for hours upon hours on end this was a nice break.

Failed at Starcraft miserably but things with Neko Nation are looking interesting, Adelaide is getting more and more exciting for our show.  Hopefully good news is coming my way and many others in regards to the rest of the tour soon.

Should be a much more interesting day tomorrow, with pictures too as well too.  ^^

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